
Do I really need a for sale sign when selling my Medway home?

Not everyone loves a for sale sign outside their home; and as you venture around Medway you will see a variety of property boards. But, as common as they are, not everyone wants to have a for sale sign outside their home.  People have a variety of reasons they are not a for sale sign fan – they may not wish for their neighbours to know they wish to move, or potentially risk having random strangers knocking on their door. Yet there are many advantages to having a for sale sign that you may have overlooked; which is why our team at Century Residential would like to share with you the value of having a sign when you’re selling your Medway home.

Powerful marketing tool

In such a competitive property market like we have been seeing in Medway for the last year or so; one of the most powerful tools we have is the for sale sign. With the advances in technology and a variety of ways to search for property online; over 90% of buyers will begin their search for a new home there. However, not all buyers are actively looking for a home; and we regularly receive calls from potential buyers who have seen a for sale sign outside a property that is of interest.

These buyers may have had their eye on your home for some time, or have fallen in love with the street where you live. Moving has been a niggle and not a impulse, but when they see the house that has caught their attention and been hard to forget; that niggle starts to grow into action and before they know it they are making a call to us.

It starts with a chat

It isn’t only us who are in love with property and know which new properties have come onto the market in our area. Once a board has gone up, it doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s not just friends and family that start to talk about your move; but neighbours and people within your community, as well as passers-by, could spread the word. Word-of-mouth marketing is organic: your home can be mentioned in a chat with a friend, who then mentions it to a neighbour, who then jumps on the internet to have a look. Conversations about property are a valuable way of reaching potential buyers and helping them to find their dream home; you never know, the next conversation could be about yours.

Can help to sell more quickly

Having a variety of marketing tools including the for sale board can help sell your home more quickly. The more awareness we can create for your property, the more potential buyers we can reach, which in any kind of property market is going to be an advantage. At Century Residential we are not in business to list as many homes in the area as possible so that our boards become an eyesore. When we value your home, the figure we present is what we know can be achieved by our team to get your home SOLD. We will always negotiate to get you the highest possible sales price, but no one wants a for sale sign gathering dust outside their property because their house was on the market at an unachievable figure.

It’s a visible marker 

Not every property is easy to find, house numbers can often be obscured or missing, street lighting not effective, and streets can feel hidden. You want any potential buyer arriving at a viewing feeling positive and excited; not frustrated and annoyed because they have spent the last 20 minutes struggling to find your home.  A for sale sign clearly indicates where your property actually is; making find you for a viewing an easier and calmer experience for buyers.

Is this what you want?

Sometimes, unknowingly, we can put obstacles in our own way to delay or prevent things we are not exactly sure off. If you are against having a for sale sign when selling your home, you need to ask yourself why?  Could it be you are not ready to move and, if so, you may find you unwillingly continue to place obstacles during the sales process making the experience not fun for anyone. If you are questioning if you should have a for sale sign, ask yourself, is this move something that I really want?

No one puts Baby in the corner

This famous Dirty Dancing quote is perfect to stress to you that when you are selling your home you want it to be seen, to shine and sparkle in the spotlight. A for sale sign is a wonderful way to make sure that your home receives the attention it deserves, and you could soon be dancing your way to a sale. If you are ready to sell your Medway home, call our team today on 01634 570057 .

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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Why you need to get moving if you want to sell your home in Gillingham

Selling your home can often involve some tactical decisions, as well as those practical and heartfelt ones. Only you know when you feel the time is right to place your home on the market; but according to the experts there is one month proven better than others. Recent data from Rightmove confirms that March is the best month for sellers; as it is the time with the highest number of potential buyers per available property. This is why you need to get moving if you want to sell your home in Gillingham.

“There is usually a wave of buyers in March through to spring, who are hoping to be in their new home by the end of summer, or are acting on a desire to move which has been growing since the start of the year. This means that sellers coming to market at this time are often met with plenty of interest for their home, in many cases leading to a successful sale,” states Tim Bannister, Director of Property Data at Rightmove.

Spring into action

One of the beautiful things about spring is how everything starts to come to life; there are signs now, such as daffodils starting to bloom. Just as nature dusts the cobwebs of winter, it is time for you to spring into action and prepare you home for sale if you want to take advantage of this seller season. But where should you start?

It may sound a bit cheesy but, honestly, a spring clean is the best starting point there is, and we don’t just mean a physical one. One of the main barriers that many sellers have when selling their home is letting go. You may be all for a move, but are you ready to see your home for what it is, flaws and all, and make the right changes to attract the bounty of buyers? It is not always easy to see your home as though you were a buyer, but by doing so you are doing everything you can to maximise the value of your home.

A spring clean isn’t only about spotless windows and pristine floors; but at the heart it’s ensuring your home is organised, clutter free, and homely. Many sellers when preparing their home for sale can go too far; creating a sterile scene that is soulless and void of personality. Take some inspiration from show homes and home magazines where rooms are clean and tidy but have beautiful touches; such as vases of flowers, carefully put together book shelves, and accessories which complement the décor.

Get it right from the start

From the first photograph presented online, to the sight when a buyer takes those first excited steps towards your home; no matter how beautiful your home looks inside, first impressions can make a huge impression when it comes to viewing or buying a property. Over the last few weeks our homes have been battered by winds and rain leaving our exteriors not looking their best, which is why it is essential you put some work in.

Freshen up any paintwork, tidy your garden and add some seasonal plants; (let’s face it a garden or planter always looks a thousand times better when it has some colour in it). We cannot promise a sunny day when it comes to viewings; so the more you do to add some life to your home’s kerb appeal can only help those active and determined buyers who choose your home to view.

Last but not least give us a call.

When it comes to the Gillingham market, we are the experts you need to navigate you through the entire process; from ensuring it is priced correctly, through negotiating offers to working tirelessly throughout the sales process, so your home doesn’t just sell but is successfully sold. Therefore, if you are looking to sell your home, call our team at Century Residential on 01634 570057 today.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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How to sell your Medway home this Halloween

The summer has well and truly gone, and there are even signs that Christmas will soon be here; judging by goods in the shops and some ads on TV. But before we deck the halls and hang the tinsel; we have a more eerie celebration on the cards, when the spooks and ghouls rule the night. Since the fright night has been somewhat reduced over the last couple of years; we know that many of our local residents are looking forward to celebrating in style. How should you decorate your Medway home if you decide to sell this Halloween?

Does spooky sell?

Even though the stamp duty holiday has ended, we are still seeing buyers eager to find their next home in Medway. And don’t worry if your home has it’s own Casper or requires the Ghost Busters because; according to a recent study by Inventorybase, you could actually scare your home’s value. The study found that homes that look (supposedly) haunted had sold by 18% more than their more warm and welcoming neighbours. That being said, we find that today’s buyers in Medway are looking for a home and not a house of horrors; so before you make any haunting mistakes, we have put together some decorating tips.

Eliminate the cobwebs and spiders

Although cobwebs and spiders are the perfect companions for Halloween; they are not looked on so favourably by buyers. So, before you put up any seasonal décor make sure your house has been decluttered; as adding more items will make your home feel disorganised and smaller. Also, give your home a deep clean, it doesn’t look good when buyers have to run screaming from a smelly fridge or an unsightly corner.

Tame for gore

Of course, you may wish to decorate your home to give your family a Halloween to remember, but don’t go overboard. Remember buyers are coming to see your home; and they need to be able to see it and all the key features that it holds. Not everyone loves Halloween; and it isn’t only young children that could be put off by scary and gory decorations. If you’re having a party, decorate for that and then pull it back ready for any viewings.

Treat the senses

Selling your home is all about the senses, so don’t forget to treat your buyers with some autumnal scents. This season has some of the most delicious aromas, from gingerbread to pumpkin spice and cinnamon. However use them carefully and make sure you avoid any artificial scents as these can be overpowering. Whether you bake an aromatic traybake for a viewing; or add these natural smells in another way, don’t forget to treat your buyers’ senses.

Elegance over tacky

Who doesn’t want to go overboard with gory and spine-chilling decorations; but if you’re selling your home we are afraid you want to make sure you make the best impression. Try to keep things elegant, and there are many beautiful home decorations available to add some shivers rather than some frights. Make sure your choices complement your home’s existing colour schemes, and use warm, earthy tones. You also need to keep your decorations looking fresh; especially if you’re using real pumpkins and flowers; buyers don’t want to see smelly rotten displays, that’s another way to give buyers a scare.

Don’t hide your features

What beautiful and wonderful features does your home have? One thing you need to make sure is that your decorations celebrate these rather than hide them; which is why you need to decorate strategically. Add touches that will accentuate fireplaces, brighten dark corners and highlight beautiful period features. Ensuring your décor works with your home, rather than against it, will also appeal to potential buyers.

A six sense

Buyers have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing whether a home is right for them; and you don’t want to put any barriers in the way. Therefore, this Halloween, don’t make any haunting mistakes and eliminate the cobwebs, tame the gore, treat the senses, keep it elegant without hiding any features. If you would like more advice on how to prepare your home this October, please call our team at Century Residential on 01634 570057.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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What to keep and ditch when selling your home

We know that when you decide to put your property on the market, the process can feel overwhelming – especially as it can be full of uncertainty. Where do you start?  What do you need to do to your home to make sure it doesn’t linger on the market?  Take this as your quick guide to those simple décor touches that can highlight and hide, and will help to get your home sold. They will make your house glow and appeal to buyers in the hope that it will be snapped up quickly. So, what should you keel and ditch when selling your home?

Keep – Fresh flowers

There is nothing like fresh flowers to make a space feel warm and inviting, it gives the buyer the sense that you care about your home and how it is presented.  Think about adding flowers to key spaces such as your dining table, maybe the kitchen island, the living room. You could even think about artificial or dried flowers, succulents or orchids to supplement your displays; a bunch of lavender on a pillow or in the bedroom is always a lovely touch.

Keep – Mirrors

Any room can benefit from a mirror. They brighten the space and can make it appear larger, which is amazing if you live in a smaller home.  It’s not only hanging mirrors, think about adding some mirrored finishes. Perhaps a vase, tiles, or even the odd piece of furniture; as when strategically placed they can easily enhance a room.

It is also worth thinking about replacing works of art with mirrors. As we all have our own taste is style; your decor preferences may not align with a potential buyer’s and it could subconsciously turn them off your home.  Use a large wall mirror in a small room; this adds dimension to the space making it more appealing. Another piece fo advice we can give you is to place mirrors near windows; so the space can benefit from the reflected light in the room.

Keep – New towels & Ditch – Used towels

Yes, towels. This may seem a strange conversation to have; just like which way the toilet roll should be placed (although the answer is always over, in case you’re curious).  Bathrooms are one of those rooms that can win buyers over; they want to see a haven, a spa-like experience that makes them want to relax and ease their stresses away.  And nothing screams luxury quite like fluffy new towels, which is why we recommend you purchase a couple that can be used for photographs and viewings. These sacred towels are there for display purposes only – that is, until you move, then you can get the full experience of wrapping yourself in these glorious bundles of softness.

Keep – Good lighting

One quick way your home can turn off buyers is to have no light shining in – there is nothing attractive about a dark and moody home.  We would always recommend the rule of three when it comes to lighting your home. By this, we mean having three sources of artificial light per room; such as two table lamps and one floor lamp. Make sure you use clear, incandescent lightbulbs.

In addition, don’t forget to emphasise your home’s natural light; open all your curtains and blinds and cut back any trees that could be stopping light from flooding a room. A light-filled home is welcoming and will assist you in selling your home quicker.

Keep – Blue

It has been scientifically proven that the colour blue can make people feel more relaxed and calm. That doesn’t mean that you need to grab a paint brush and start adding blue to your walls, as this could see buyers running. You can add blue in a more subtle way; such as adding a blue or teal cushion, a throw or even a planters in your garden.

Ditch – Politics, allegiances

We are all have our opinions, sports teams we support, and groups we may be aligned to. This is great, but not everyone will have the same viewpoint.  You may be lucky and only have viewings from similar minded people; but what is more likely is that someone will view your home and instead of focusing on what your property has to offer, they will take away that you have different opinions.  Where possible, neutralise your home so it can appeal to the widest number of buyers possible.

Ditch – Collections

You may be passionate about vinyl, be Star Wars obsessed or a Lego nut!  But when it comes to selling your home try and find a way to hide your collections or tone them down a lot.  A lot of ‘things’ will not only make your home feel cluttered, making buyers think it lacks storage or is smaller than it actually is; but it will also make it hard for a buyer to envision themselves living there. This is never a good thing when you want to sell.

Ditch – The personal

We all have family photos and portraits displayed in our homes, and they are doing no harm – right?  Actually, they can hinder your sale. Again some buyers will only see you in this house and could struggle to picture themselves living there.  It isn’t just photos but also medals, fridge magnets, costumes – anything that reveals too much about your personality or lifestyle. You should make space for buyers to imagine your house as their home.

Keep – Our number 01634 570057

If you’re looking for help to not just list but sell your home, come and speak to an agent who understands that the smallest of details can make the biggest difference when selling your home.  Our team at Century Residential are looking forward to your call.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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Huge mistakes you can make when choosing an estate agent

One of the biggest decisions you will make when you sell your home is choosing the right estate agent to get your house sold.  There is a wealth of choice, from high-street estate agents to those working online; from big national companies to local independent estate agents, such as ourselves.  You may think that this decision is pretty straightforward, yet it is vital that you don’t make any huge mistakes by rushing your decision without doing your homework.  Instructing the wrong estate agent will do doubt lead to financial and emotional headaches ahead, so what do you need to look for when choosing an estate agent to sell your home?

Attracted by the lowest commission

Once you have decided to sell your home, it’s time to interview a number of estate agents. Where many sellers go wrong is that they see an agent valuing their property as just that.  It’s more than a valuation – this is your time to question, challenge and discover everything you can about this agent.

There are many estate agents who will offer a very low commission simply to win your business. You may see this as saving money, how can it be a bad thing?  As with every business, estate agents invests in many areas, from the marketing strategy for your property to ensuring you have the support you need as you move through the sales process.  At the end of the day, we have exceptionally high standards for what we believe a client experience – your experience – should look like, even if issues arise.

What experience will the other estate agents provide? Make sure you understand what and how they invest in selling your home.

They are going to sell it for how much?

Who wouldn’t be attracted by an agent who values your home at a few grand more than the rest? You can see pound signs popping up in front of your eyes. Choosing the agent who offers you the highest valuation is a very common and natural mistake to make, but think: is this price realistic, or are they sneakily trying to get your business?

Some agents may value the property higher than others; as long as they can show a track record of achieving their asking prices, you have nothing to fear. But overpricing a property is a curse – let us explain why. There is an optimum time period when your home will attract buyers when it is listed online; which is in the first few weeks.  Buyers do their homework; they will know every home on the market in the area within their budget and will have alerts set to be notified when such a home becomes available.

If it’s priced too high, your home won’t even come up in their searches. Even if they do see it, they will know themselves from viewing other similar properties that it seems a little steep. They will either view and put in a cheeky offer, or just ignore your home and move onto the next. The longer your home sits on the market, the staler it will become, losing its initial ‘star power’ to be replaced with a sense that it has been left on the shelf.

This is why you should research the agent’s track record; ask them for their results, make them prove to you they deserve your business. At Century Residential we want to show you what we have achieved for our clients; because we are proud of our successes.

Just because they’ve sold more houses

Of course, it looks good if an estate agent has sold lots of houses; but again you need to put that into context.  How many houses that they’ve listed have they sold?  Let’s explain. If this agent has sold 50 houses and their competitor only 20, then they must be better, right? Maybe not.

If Agent A has sold 50 houses but they listed 90; that’s a high percentage of houses that they committed to sell and didn’t. If Agent B has only sold 20 houses but listed 21, this shows they have been dedicated to getting those houses sold. The data is only a guide; but if you put it into context you’ll get an understanding of who the agent is and how they work.

I liked the first one

When you decide to sell your home, estate agents may have been recommended by friends and family; and one in particular may stand out to you so you decide to get them round.  You like what they have to say and without seeing anyone else you decide to choose them.

How can you compare different agencies if you only see one?  Each estate agent will have their strengths; they may offer different marketing approaches, some which may really suit your home and its potential buyers.  Interviewing more than one agent will give you a better understanding of the property market; and who will be the best fit to sell your home.

What do their clients say?

You may have already read the testimonials on their website or Facebook page; but why not ask previous clients their thoughts? By placing a message on one of the local Facebook pages you will no doubt get some honest replies. Another way is to do your own mystery shop. Call up the agency and ask some questions; this will give you an idea of how clients are cared for and supported by the agency.

Big decisions

Without doing your due diligence it is easy to make a mistake when choosing an estate agent to sell your home. We love it when a client puts us through our paces; because we know they are committed to making the right decision for them and their home.

Are we up to the task of selling your home? Call our team today on 01634 570057; so we can organise a time to tell you why we are the best agent for you and your property.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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Our back-to-school guide for selling your home in Medway

It’s that time of year where the summer holidays seem to be racing through our fingertips; and the start of the new school year is upon us.  It’s also the time of year where many look to place their home on the market in the hope that they can be enjoying Christmas in their new abode.  Just as you’re getting things in place for your child’s new term; you should also be getting organised if you wish to sell your home this autumn. That’s why we have put together this back-to-school guide for selling your home in Medway – we don’t want you getting a detention!

Smart and presentable

Many children will be starting a new school and will have a brand-new uniform for their first day. Regardless of what they look like when they come home, you want them to arrive looking smart and presentable.  Just as you want your children to give a good first impression at school; so do you for your home when you are preparing it for sale.  No matter how it looks in normal daily life; the first impression you want buyers to have is of a beautifully organised home ready for them to make their own.

Getting to know you

From teachers to peers, it can be daunting at first getting to know others and working out who to trust. It can be the same when looking at which estate agent you want to represent you and your property when it comes onto the market.  At Century Residential we don’t just want to know about your home; by understanding your personal needs and circumstances we can provide a greater level of service. Every property has its weaknesses and strengths; and it’s our job to utilise its unique personality to attract the right buyer and deliver you a successful outcome.

Addicted to stationery

Who didn’t used to pop to Woolworths to get all their pens, pencils, files and essential items for the start of the school year? It was a right of passage.  You wanted to ensure that you’d thought of the small details as well as the big.  This is exactly the thought process you should have when getting your home ready for a viewing. Don’t just ‘polish your shoes’; but really make your property shine by cleaning your windows and keeping surfaces clear of clutter.  Then add those little finishing touches such as fresh flowers and perfectly placed accessories to bring your home to life.

Nervous and excited

Remember that feeling of the first day, whether it was at a new school or a new job; of being filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement.  This is often how potential buyers feel when they arrive to view your property; and we want this feeling to continue long after they leave.  This is why telling the story of your home is so essential. Sharing your stories and memories in a way that provides them with an insight into what their lives could be like if they decided this was the house for them.

Listen to feedback

It can be hard to listen to feedback, whether on a Zoom parents’ evening about how your child has progressed through these difficult times; or what a buyer thought about your home during a viewing. Never take it personal – at the end of the day, we both want the same result; to see your home sold, and feedback is a great, constructive way to find out what buyers are thinking and discover any niggles that we can overcome. Issues can often be resolved; and by working together and using the feedback as a guide, we can find that ideal buyer quicker.

Out of your hands

When you sit down to take a test or exam, you do everything you can to achieve the highest score possible; but then the result is out of your hands. Once you have received an offer, we ask that you trust us to negotiate on your behalf. Our team are skilled negotiators who excel in achieving the best possible price for your property.

The best support

Having the best support around you can see you achieve even greater things at school, work and in life; and the same goes for selling your home. It isn’t just the choice of estate agent that is crucial to the success of your sale, but also your choice of solicitor; as it’s after the offer has been accepted that the real work begins. Always do your research so you know that you have the right team beside you who will ensure your move is smooth and successful.

Get it in on time

Getting an assignment or a piece of work in late is always met with disapproval, and could have knock-on effects. In a sale, not returning documentation or calls could create delays and even cause your sale to collapse; as parties get nervous and suspicious. You can’t use the ‘dog ate my homework’ excuse here. Get your paperwork ready in advance so you can get it where it needs to be as quickly as possible.

Time to party

Every success should be celebrated, and you may already be planning the first party in your new home; bringing all your friends and family together at long last. We want to make sure that party happens; so contact our team today on 01634 570057 to get you through the gates of selling your home in Medway.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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Shortfall in homes for sale leads to record-breaking house price increase

Here at Century Residential, we have witnessed an extraordinary demand for properties for sale, combined with a shortage of homes coming on the market in the last 7 months. According to Rightmove there was a 225,000 shortfall in homes available for sale in the first half of 2021! In the first half of this year 140,000 more sales were agreed than the 2014 to 2019 average; and yet homes available for sale were down 85,000, creating a 225,000 shortfall which has lead to a record-breaking house price increase.

Record-breaking house prices

The shortage of homes for sale across Kent and the increasing demand from buyers has led to record-breaking house prices. The Nationwide house price index reported a 13.4% annual increase in house prices in June!   

How much is your home worth?

Now is the ideal time to find out how much the value of your home has increased; it will probably surprise you a lot! So, if you are considering about moving home, speak to our friendly team about listing your property soon to take advantage of housing market demand and increased in house prices. The overall demand for sale properties is currently 26% higher than in 2020.

We have a super handy instant online valuation tool to get a quick estimation of property price in just seconds. The tool gives you a minimum and maximum possible property value based on local and national property market data but does not consider the condition of your home and other factors. However it’s an excellent place to start!

If you would like a more precise figure then please get in touch on 01634 570057 or email medway@crrealestate.flywheelsites.com to chat with a member of our friendly and experienced sales team.

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How you can make the most of the sunshine when selling your home

Our summer wardrobe is out, and our slightly rouge tones will suggest that we have been loving this beautiful weather we have been having. There’s been no slowing down of the property market over the last few weeks; so you will often seeing us dashing from one appointment to another.  We have loved meeting so many wonderful local people wishing to fulfil their desire to move home; whether that’s to upsize, downsize or buy for the first time. The sun has a way of adding a touch of sparkle to a home, which is why it is crucial to make the most of that glorious sunshine when selling your home.

Let them shine

Whilst you are busying making sure your home’s interior is perfect, there are often little jobs that can get missed, and one of them is your windows. As the ground is so dry, there can be a lot of dust around, which will often migrate, leaving your windows with a bit of film of muck.  If you have a window cleaner regularly, you have nothing to worry about. If you don’t, you may want to increase their visits or start instructing one, so your windows always look crystal clear; this is very important to make use of all this gorgeous natural light.

Let is pour in

With your windows shining, you want to make use of all the natural light that pours into your home. You may have been keeping blinds closed to keep your home cooler; but for a buyer, a dark or grey room is not as attractive as one filled with an abundance of natural light.  Ensure all your blinds are open entirely and tie your curtains back so they will not be flapping around in the breeze.

Let in some air

After months of stuffiness due to the not so nice weather; isn’t it fantastic to be able to open your windows and doors and have your home filled with fresh air?  It’s also a great way of helping to get rid of slight niggly odours and adds a sense of calmness and that all-important feeling of home.  On the day of a viewing, open your windows, and ensure your estate agent has all the keys to open the doors; so your home is beautifully ventilated. 

Let summer appear

Our homes are an extension of our personal style and tastes; how you’ve decorated yours will be different to your neighbours.  Neutral tones are always preferred when selling your home; and at this time of year, add some fun summer shades as accents.  Warm winter tones with fluffy textiles are great for those colder months when we all wish to snuggle; but at this time of year, clean, fresh and fun is the look you are going for. This will appeal to this season’s buyers.

Let colours pop

It isn’t just inside your home where you need to think of colour; focus on the outside of your home too. From your front door to your hanging basket to the flowerbeds or pots in your garden; you need to get busy wherever you can add colour.  There are many places you can buy plants of all shades for your home; remember to add something to the front of your property and the back, so all areas feel loved and cared for.  Check out the local allotments, garden centres and even local Facebook groups and pages; as there are a wealth of choices for all budgets.

Let the sun help to sell

It’s easy to let the sunshine help sell your home this summer; but even though properties are selling quickly, if you want the best possible price, you must do all you can to make your house looks and feels its best. 

For more advice on how to get your home sold fast this summer, call our team on 01634 570057.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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The bitter pills you may have to swallow when selling your home in Kent

No matter how vibrant the property market, selling your home is always a challenge. There are some things about your property that you won’t be able to change, which could mean you have some bitter pills to swallow when your home goes on the market.  Just like life, there can be unexpected surprises during the process of a house sale.  But before you choke when you’re presented with a pill you don’t like the sound of, we’ve got some advice to help you to swallow it and get moving.

You may not get a return on your upgrades

As you know, the property market in Kent, like the rest of the UK, has peaks and troughs. What a property is worth today could change in a few months’ time.  It doesn’t matter how much money you’ve spent upgrading your property, there will be a ceiling price it can achieve, depending on your home and of course that all-important location.  Any renovations or home improvements should only be made for your enjoyment – unless you do your research first.

You need to ensure that the money you invest in your home can be recouped. The price of a new kitchen can vary dramatically; from an off the shelf model to a bespoke design with high-end appliances. There is no doubt that an upgraded kitchen will absolutely add appeal to your home and attract potential buyers, but you’d be wrong to assume you can simply add the total cost you’ve spent on it to the value of your home. Of course, your new kitchen will have added value to your property, but the sale price will be determined by market conditions not by your choice of interior finishes.

Don’t rely on the Joneses

How many times at Century Residential have we heard, “our neighbour’s house sold for XXX so we think our home is worth XXX”.  It’s a hard pill to swallow, but just because your homes look alike, don’t assume they will sell for the same amount – they could be valued differently. They may have made upgrades that you haven’t. Their plot could be a different size, or the property market in your area could have changed.  It’s hard, when you are emotionally attached to your home, to hear that it’s not worth as much as you expected; but we would highly recommend that you listen to our advice.

We value a property to SELL at the highest possible price; we don’t over value your home to WIN your business.  So if you do receive a high valuation from another agent, ask about their results. Check that they achieve their valuations as sale prices without having to reduce the value when buyers don’t bite.

Having to keep your home viewing ready

You have spent time and energy getting your home ready for sale. Our photographer and videographer have visited and the marketing materials are now selling the beauty and key features of your wonderful home.  But now life is continuing, kids are leaving a trail of destruction in their wake; you’re shattered after a busy day at work and the show home shine you had created has suddenly disappeared.

Buyers always say how much easier it is to envision themselves living in a home when it has been staged ready for sale.  At Century Residential we aim to get viewings and a buyer for your property as soon as possible; so if you can try and keep it looking immaculate it will really help your sale.  We know for parents this can be the last thing you want to be doing some days, so we completely understand that this is one bitter pill to swallow. As soon as an offer has been accepted you can breathe a sigh of relief; and allow normal life to continue without worrying about whether your home looks perfect.

Your home is not for everyone

Ouch!!! You love your home and you’ve decorated it and furnished it with your style in mind.  But just as we don’t all like the same cars, clothes and football teams; we all don’t like the same houses.  Period property lovers will be looking for features, contemporary lovers for sleek clean lines; open-plan living will appeal to many, whereas others will want the privacy of separate spaces.  Although you cannot change the location and layout of your property, you can tone down any bold décor. Make sure it’s in great condition and use homestaging techniques to make it appeal to a wider audience.

A sale is the best medicine

As your estate agent, we don’t want you to have to swallow any bitter pills; and we hope you’ll trust that we only have you and your home’s best interests at heart.  The best medicine we can offer you is an offer from a qualified and determined buyer that is a heartbeat away from the asking price.  For more advice on selling your home, contact our team on 01634 570057.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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How do you know you’re ready to downsize your home?

We have seen many sellers come through our doors at Century Residential over the last few months, but there is one kind of seller that has been on the rise, and that’s the downsizer.  There are many reasons why you may be considering downsizing to a smaller home.  You could be looking to release some equity to help your children or to add to your savings pot for the years to come.  Maybe you have some dreams of adventures that you wish to fulfil and an easier to maintain property is just what you need right now instead of redundant rooms just gathering dust. Whatever your motivation, it is essential when downsizing that you honestly evaluate your expectations so you can make the right decision for you.  So how do you know you’re ready to downsize?

Does it make financial sense?

Just because you’re moving to a smaller home, doesn’t mean it will necessarily save you money. Should you be moving to a different location, the property values could differ greatly. The type of property you are looking for may have amenities and so there could be additional monthly charges that you need to take into consideration for things such as maintaining grounds and communal areas.  The home you are looking to buy may need renovating or some upgrades; even with a budget, there could be things that turn up that you weren’t expecting so make sure you build in a contingency pot that won’t eat into your savings.

You’re excited to leave

Often, those looking to downsize find it a difficult decision to leave what is often their family home.  Their house has so many memories and family members such as children could be upset at the thought of saying goodbye to the house that was a huge part of their childhood.  We are sure that no matter how much you have loved living there, there will be some things that have niggled at you over the years that honestly you won’t be sad to leave behind. 

Maybe you had a large and beautiful garden but it takes a lot of work each year to keep it looking its best.  If you live in a period property, you will no doubt have an endless list of jobs that need doing, and you’ve been happy to do them but now you would prefer an easier life.  Remember, this move is not about the past, it’s about the future, so if you start to have doubts, focus on why you made the decision and how your future will look in your new home.

Where will I put my things?

We all become attached to things in our home, from furniture which may have been passed down to pieces we’ve bought and can’t bear to part with.  Instead of worrying where all your furniture will go in your new home, start to think about what items you definitely want to keep.  If you’re moving from a large house to a more diminutive one, not everything you have now is going to fit – nor do you want it to.  Think about the style of your new home, will your furniture work in the property or might it be fun to have a completely fresh start?

What about an apartment?

You may not have thought about an apartment but, depending on your future plans, it could actually be the ideal choice.  Should you be looking to travel then you know you can lock up and leave with peace of mind that the grounds will be maintained and neighbours around to keep an eye on things.  There are many stunning apartment complexes now that are designed for those of retirement age but are certainly not aesthetically doddery. With stylish and high-specification finishes, spacious balconies for entertaining and communal spaces that feel like a quality hotel rather than an apartment building, they are certainly something you should look at and not dismiss without investigation.

Does the floorplan work?

Just as you would when looking to buy any home, you need to ensure the floorplan is going to work for you now and in the years to come.  Just bear in mind that you’ve been used to a certain amount of space and that will be reduced, but this might in terms of the number of bedrooms rather than the amount of living space. You may wish to have more of an open-plan space that brings everyone together, or a hobby, work or visiting family may mean you lean toward having separate spaces.  You may even find that the floorplan in your new home works better for you than the one you have now.

Location, location, location

Location is particularly important with this move, as you may be thinking about what you need for the short and the long term.  Being closer to family could be a key factor in the move, as it is for many who are looking to downsize after the stresses and strains of the pandemic.  Would you be happy driving to amenities or would you prefer to be able to walk to the local shop, pub or café for that morning coffee and sneaky slice of cake?

If you’re not familiar with the area you’ll be moving to, it’s important to do your research. Feeling at home is a priority and our team are always on hand to offer advice.  Just remember, a house can be altered and decorated but a location cannot be changed.  Really think about what you want and need from this move so that when you decide on a location, you know that you will be happy living there.  If you can see yourself living in another town, village or even in another street, it can make that thought of moving a little bit easier.

Am I ready to downsize?

One of the most important questions you need to ask yourself is: are you ready? Yes, you may be looking at smaller homes, and you could have talked about this move for months if not years, but knowing it’s something you want to do and being ready to do it are quite different.  When you’re not ready you will be hesitant and sometimes over-critical, as you subconsciously try to find faults and flaws and delay progress.

This can lead to a frustrating and stressful process, which is something that no one wants, especially whilst undertaking what can often be the emotional move of downsizing.  Make sure you’re clear in your mind before you start, as being ready for this move will make it a much happier experience for everyone involved.

A smaller home awaits

At Century Residential we have helped many people and families to downsize, we understand the emotions and also how to find the right next home for you and your plans.  If you’re thinking of downsizing and have any concerns, please chat to a member of our team on 01634 570057.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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Why do I need an estate agent when selling my home in Kent?

Hot, hot, hot! We’re not describing the weather we had a few days ago (but hasn’t it been amazing?). We’re talking about the UK property market right now. With a fast and vibrant market such as this, it could be easy to believe that any home will sell as long as you put it on Rightmove – right? And with so many choices when it comes to selling your home, you may be thinking; why do I need an estate agent? But there is a big difference between finding a buyer and selling your home. So, let us tell you why you need an estate agent and, more importantly, why you need us.

What an experienced seller knows

Experienced home sellers completely understand the value of choosing an estate agent such as us over a ‘post and pray’ agent, who presses the upload button on Rightmove and waits to see what happens.  Whilst they are uploading, we’ve already been working our magic to find a buyer; and Rightmove is only one tool in our sales kit.

When it comes to marketing any product or home, you want to use a range of sources; whether that’s online, social media, in print format or a good agent’s secret weapon – word of mouth.  We invest in the right places, such as professional photography, video content, and personally calling those local buyers that have expressed an interest in a home like yours. At Century Residential we put huge effort into marketing your home. We create a strategy that is specifically designed to find you the right buyer and the highest price possible.

You can’t beat local

When you’ve worked in the local property market as long as we have, you gain an in-depth understanding in how it works and moves. This knowledge is invaluable, as we can give you honest and realistic advice throughout your sale. One thing about the local market in and around Kent is that you need to know the streets; the value of similar properties can vary depending on the location. This is where an agent outside the area relying on generic data could fall short.  If your home is not valued correctly, you can end up either underselling your home and missing out financially. However, if your home is overpriced it will appear undesirable and you will again lose money in the long run.

Remember that an estate agent such as ourselves doesn’t get paid until your sale completes.  For every hour we spend with you, we will have worked on average nine hours behind the scenes on your behalf – and we haven’t even got started yet!  Not all estate agents work the same way. So, it’s worth getting to know how each agent plans to sell your home; so that you can make the right choice for you.

Keeping you informed

Communication is vital, and no one likes the sound of silence when selling a home.  You want to know how your buyers are doing – is the chain in good shape and, more importantly, how quickly are things moving?  At Century Residential you will never be ‘on mute’, from the moment you list your home with us.  We don’t believe in numbers; we may sell houses but we are a people business and love getting to know the lovely homebuyers and sellers we meet every day.  No matter who needs our help, we are just a call, a Facebook message or an email away.

Once you have found a buyer, that’s when the real works begins for an estate agent, as the sales process can be filled with highs, lows and nerves.  Yes, finding a buyer may be easy in this market but keeping your sale on track and your chain together? That takes work. Delays and frustrations can cause fractions within chains; and it’s our job to smooth everything over and keep the process moving.

It can be hard to comprehend work that you cannot see, and you may not even be aware of everything we’re doing.  When you decorate your home, for example, it’s so visual that you appreciate the result straightaway, but having a damp proof course done, though it’s not something you can see, will protect your home for the long term. 

Your advocate

Being your estate agent means we become your advocate. Not only do we provide you with all the support you need during the sale process, we also protect your interests.  From managing the negotiations so we can achieve that amazing sale figure from the right buyer, to accompanying every single buyer as they view your home, sharing your passion for the property. We will be your voice within the chain and help turn those home moving dreams into a reality.

Let’s get started

Whether you’re buying for the first time, or are in need of an upgrade; we’re ready to help you glide smoothly from one home to the next.  Give our team a call today on 01634 570057 and let’s get you started on the road to your new home.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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Four ways you could be sabotaging the sale of your home

Whether we’re in an active market like we are now, or one that moves in a slower pace. There is still a percentage of homes that can struggle to sell. On the surface, it can be hard to understand why, but as an experienced agent within Kent the reason is often pretty clear. Having a home that is sitting there with hardly any viewings can be soul destroying. Especially when all the properties for sale around you seem to be flying off the shelf. Could you be unwillingly sabotaging the sale of your home?

1. Refusing to use any elbow grease

A home that has not been regularly maintained doesn’t make a good impression – in fact, it can make buyers nervous. Maybe you’ve decorated but the finish isn’t great; you could have a cupboard or two that isn’t in the best shape; or maybe your guttering is dripping as it’s not had autumn’s debris cleared away. When you view a property, you want to see a home that has been loved and cared for and any flaws can make buyers question what else could be wrong with it. Hiding behind the imperfections could be some major concerns – or perhaps not, but it is the perception buyers take away that matters.

Even if a potential buyer can overlook some of the required repairs, any offer will reflect the cost of any works they believe the property needs.  We know you love your home, so show this to potential buyers by putting the elbow grease in at the start. When it comes to getting your home valued, you may have a nice surprise but, more importantly, you will find your home sells quicker as a result.

2. Living in dream land

Do you have a price in mind that you want for your property, regardless of what anyone says?  Maybe you have renovated your home and the cost of these additions and finishes is informing the figure you want to achieve.  Even in today’s market, there is always a ceiling price a buyer will be willing to pay for a property on a specific street or in a particular neighbourhood.  Just because a similar house sold for X amount two streets down, doesn’t mean that your home will be valued at the same – it could be less, but it also could be higher.

To ensure your home sells quickly and doesn’t sit gathering dust in the estate agent’s window, you need to listen to the experts.  As an estate agent working every day within Kent, we know the true value of your home right now and the price that will get it sold as quickly as possible. Yes, hearing the truth could be a bitter pill to swallow. But are you going to let pride get in the way of the sale of your home?

3. Going it alone

You have many choices today in how you sell your home. Whether that’s an estate agent such as ourselves or one that allows you to go it alone. Estate agents only put properties on Rightmove, right? And in this market where it feels like every home is selling, why pay more than a low fixed fee? Finding a buyer is not the same as selling your home. Sadly, this is a mistake we see all too often when we are left to try and pick up the pieces after things go wrong.

Once a buyer is found, you then start the tricky part of the sale process. This is where the many players within the chain are guided through to completion together. Holding a chain together is a work of art; it takes lots of chasing, reassuring and constant communication. Which is where a good estate agent is worth their weight in gold. If you don’t just want an offer but to actually sell your home, have a serious think about the risk you could be taking. 

4. Lingering around

Viewings are a time when buyers get to see if they can make your house their home. Therefore, having the sellers there can make them feel a little uncomfortable. Buyers want the freedom to view and comment, as well as ask questions without judgement, which they may not feel able to do when you are around. How can a buyer imagine living there when your presence is a constant reminder that this is your home. At Century Residential, one of our agents will always accompany potential buyers for a viewing. So, use the time to go for a walk or even treat yourself to a meal somewhere; you never know, you could have fantastic news of an offer on your return.

Make it easy for yourself

We all know selling your home can be stressful. By putting the elbow grease in, listening to expert advice, using professionals and respecting a buyer’s need for space; you will not only make selling your home easier, you will help it to sell quick too!

If you would like more advice on selling your home, give our team a call today on 01634 570057.

Content contributed by The Federation of Independent Agents.

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